The Artisan factory emerged from the traditional woodwork shop Ćostović, which conveyed all its love towards wood and 50-year experience of wood processing into it.
Artisan specializes in the manual production of high quality furniture made from solid wood, and this insistence on manual, artisan work is what sets us apart.
We acquired our first experiences by producing furniture for Dutch and British designers, and we started our own first collection in collaboration with the regional designers in 2007.

Udruženje kompanija drvne industrije Bosne i Hercegovine

U srcu Donjeg Vakufa leži duga i čarobna priča koja seže unazad vijekovima, priča o dubokoj vezi između majstora i drveta, o strasti koja pokreće i inspiriše svakog dana

Proizvodnja namještaja vrhunskog kvaliteta, inovativnog i modernog dizajna

INTERPROCESS d.o.o. Tešanj is leader in processing of oak wood in South East Europe. Our basic products are massive panels and high quality wooden pellet, which is being produced from our own waste wood. We use oak wood as our main raw material and we process it with great care and special focus on quality of our products and efficiency of our production. Wood processing technology is one of the most important things we care about.
We have 30.000 m2 of land area in total out of which 8000m2 are specialized industrial buildings. We have 1000 m3 of drying chambers. We employ 50 young and ambitious people with average age below 30.
Energy and adoptability of our team keeps us in step with turbulent market demands and requirements.
Our key market is Germany, but we supply our products to several other EU markets. We also welcome all new inquiries and business ideas, from all around the world.
We also produce decorative panels for our clients, made of oak wood, specially designed for internal and external decorations.

Our goal is to produce high quality furniture made of natural and durable materials that will meet todays’ customer's needs for durable and modern furniture. More than 20 years of experience and our expert team guarantee you the quality of our products. All our products are made of FSC certified materials. Our expertise lies in producing premium furniture and furniture parts. We use A and B quality wood planks. The oil we use is Hesse Lignal and the glues is formaldehyde free Rakoll (made in Germany). Other coatings and glues can be added on customer´s request. We deliver to whole EU and Europe. This way, we are setting ourselves in the direction of european standards´quality and sustainability. All our products have seamless joint transitions and exceptional overall strength.

Business company „Hrastik“ Živinice successfully engages in primary and final wood processing. By following the market demands and wishes of our customers, in 1991 our company grew from an independent craft shop to a serious wood production factory, broadening its abilities and offering a completely new and different approach in the production of construction carpentry.

Gazzda is a design house built on curiosity and virtue. Established in 2013, with the simple purpose to leave this world more attractive than we found it. By creating striking pieces of furniture, that bring a breath of fresh air to all kinds of interiors.
We enable people to get more out of life, by reimagining their personal surroundings. Helping them to transform modest dwellings into uplifting, enabling living spaces – brimming with energy.
Sleek, airy and smooth to the touch: the tactile qualities of our designs really set them apart. With proportions always elegantly balanced. And materials shaped to perfection by pushing their technical limits. Every tiny detail adding to that distinct Gazzda character.
Old-school craftsmanship meets next generation engineering at our in-house workshop and design studio. Where creative progress is marked by the many concept sketches, 3D-printed parts and sawdust covered prototypes going from hand to hand.
We thoroughly enjoy putting our design philosophy into practice through the seemingly endless creation cycle of revisions, setbacks and breakthroughs. It’s how we keep inching toward our Gazzda gold standard, until our products are ready for the world to enjoy.

Tisakomerc d.o.o. je proizvodno-trgovačka firma koja djeluje na BiH i EU tržištu.
Bavimo se proizvodnjom i distribucijom vijčane robe, okova, alata za obradu PVC i ALU stolarije, glodala, metalnih dijelova, tekstila, brizganjem plastike i izvozom namještaja.

We are Masters&Wood. We are a design oriented solid wood manufacturer situated within high end furniture market. Our position allows us to release the full measure of innovative energy and reach new heights in solid wood expression.

Preduzeće ENI-EM d.o.o. je započelo sa radom 2009. godine. Naša glavna djelatnost je prerada drveta. Preduzeće je specijalizovano za proizvodnju elemenata za namještaj od punog drveta.

Udruženje kompanija u Bosni i Hercegovini čija je djelatnost vezana za drvnu industriju.

Rattan Sedia –kompanija za proizvodnju vanjskog namještaja, WPC decking, izradu tendi i sistema zastakljenja
Fotelja dizajnirana AG 01
Aukcija je isteklaIn San
Sto Arduana
1.200,00 KMStolica A03
Dizajnerski događaji za početak nove godine
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Drvni klaster “Namještaj i drvo”